Inches Inches Inches Inches
Fractions Decimals M M Fractions Decimals M M Fractions Decimals M M Fractions Decimals M M
-........ 0.0004..... 0.01 25/32..... 0.78125 ... 19.844 -........ 2.165....... 55 3-11/16... 3.6875.... 93.663
-........ 0.004....... 0.1 -........ 0.7874.... 20 2-3/16.... 2.1875..... 55.563 -........ 3.7008.... 94
-........ 0.01......... 0.25 51/64..... 0.79688 ... 20.241 -........ 2.2047..... 56 3-23/32... 3.719...... 94.456
1/64..... 0.01562 ... 0.397 13/16..... 0.8125.... 20.638 2-7/32.... 2.219....... 56.356 -........ 3.7401.... 95
-........ 0.0197.... 0.5 -........ 0.8268.... 21 -........ 2.244....... 57 3-3/4..... 3.75........ 95.25
-........ 0.0295..... 0.75 53/64..... 0.82812 ... 21.034 2-1/4..... 2.25......... 57.15 -........ 3.7795.... 96
1/32..... 0.03125 ... 0.794 27/32..... 0.84375 ... 21.431 2-9/32.... 2.281....... 57.944 3-25/32... 3.781...... 96.044
-........ 0.0394.... 1 55/64..... 0.85938 ... 21.828 -........ 2.2835..... 58 3-13/16... 3.8125.... 96.838
3/64..... 0.04688 ... 1.191 -........ 0.8661.... 22 2-5/16.... 2.312....... 58.738 -........ 3.8189.... 97
-........ 0.059....... 1.5 7/8...... 0.875...... 22.225 -........ 2.3228..... 59 3-27/32... 3.844...... 97.631
1/16..... 0.0625..... 1.588 57/64..... 0.89062 ... 22.622 2-11/32... 2.344....... 59.531 -........ 3.8583.... 98
5/64..... 0.07812 ... 1.984 -........ 0.9055.... 23 -........ 2.3622..... 60 3-7/8..... 3.875...... 98.425
-........ 0.0787.... 2 29/32..... 0.90625 ... 23.019 2-3/8..... 2.375....... 60.325 -........ 3.8976.... 99
3/32..... 0.09375 ... 2.381 59/64..... 0.92188 ... 23.416 -........ 2.4016..... 61 3-29/32... 3.9062.... 99.219
-........ 0.0984.... 2.5 15/16..... 0.9375.... 23.813 2-13/32... 2.406....... 61.119 -........ 3.937...... 100
7/64..... 0.10938 ... 2.778 -........ 0.9449.... 24 2-7/16.... 2.438....... 61.913 3-15/16... 3.9375.... 100.013
-........ 0.1181.... 3 61/64..... 0.95312 ... 24.209 -........ 2.4409..... 62 3-31/32...... 3.969...... 100.806
1/8...... 0.125....... 3.175 31/32..... 0.96875 ... 24.606 2-15/16... 2.469....... 62.706 -........ 3.9764.... 101
-........ 0.1378.... 3.5 -........ 0.9843.... 25 -........ 2.4803..... 63 4....... 4............ 101.6
9/64..... 0.14062 ... 3.572 63/64..... 0.98438 ... 25.003 2-1/2..... 2.5.......... 63.5 4-1/16.... 4.062...... 103.188
5/32..... 0.15625 ... 3.969 1........ 1............ 25.4 -........ 2.5197..... 64 4-1/8..... 4.125...... 104.775
-........ 0.1575.... 4 -........ 1.0236.... 26 2-17/32... 2.531....... 64.294 -........ 4.1338.... 105
11/64.... 0.17188 ... 4.366 1-1/32.... 1.0312.... 26.194 -........ 2.559....... 65 4-3/16.... 4.1875.... 106.363
-........ 0.177....... 4.5 1-1/16.... 1.062...... 26.988 2-9/16.... 2.562....... 65.088 4-1/4..... 4.25........ 107.95
3/16..... 0.1875..... 4.763 -........ 1.063...... 27 2-19/32... 2.594....... 65.881 4-5/16.... 4.312...... 109.538
-........ 0.1969.... 5 1-3/32.... 1.094...... 27.781 -........ 2.5984..... 66 -........ 4.3307.... 110
13/64.... 0.20312 ... 5.159 -........ 1.1024.... 25 2-5/8..... 2.625....... 66.675 4-3/8..... 4.375...... 111.125
-........ 0.2165.... 5.5 1-1/8..... 1.125...... 28.575 -........ 2.638....... 67 4-7/16.... 4.438...... 112.716
7/32..... 0.21875 ... 5.556 -........ 1.1417.... 29 2-21/32... 2.656....... 67.469 4-1/2..... 4.5.......... 114.3
15/64.... 0.23438 ... 5.953 1-5/32.... 1.156...... 29.369 -........ 2.6772..... 68 -........ 4.5275.... 115
-........ 0.2362.... 6 -........ 1.1811.... 30 2-11/16... 2.6875..... 68.263 4-9/16.... 4.562...... 115.88
1/4...... 0.25......... 6.35 1-3/16.... 1.1875.... 30.163 -........ 2.7165..... 69 4-5/8..... 4.625...... 117.475
-........ 0.2559.... 6.5 1-7/32.... 1.219...... 30.956 2-23/32... 2.719....... 69.056 4-11/16... 4.6875.... 119.063
17/64.... 0.26562 ... 6.747 -........ 1.2205.... 31 2-3/4..... 2.75......... 69.85 -........ 4.7244.... 120
-........ 0.2756.... 7 1-1/4..... 1.25........ 31.75 -........ 2.7559..... 70 4-3/4..... 4.75........ 120.65
9/32..... 0.28125 ... 7.144 -........ 1.2598.... 32 2-25/32... 2.781....... 70.643 4-13/16... 4.8125.... 122.238
-........ 0.2953.... 7.5 1-9/32.... 1.281...... 32.544 -........ 2.7953..... 71 4-7/8..... 4.875...... 123.825
19/64.... 0.29688 ... 7.541 -........ 1.2992.... 33 2-13/16... 2.8125..... 71.437 -........ 4.9212.... 125
5/16..... 0.3125..... 7.938 1-5/16.... 1.312...... 33.338 -........ 2.8346..... 72 4-15/16... 4.9375.... 125.413
-........ 0.315....... 8 -........ 1.3386.... 34 2-27/32... 2.844....... 72.231 5....... 5............ 127
21/64.... 0.32812 ... 8.334 1-11/32... 1.344...... 34.131 -........ 2.874....... 73 -........ 5.1181.... 130
-........ 0.335....... 8.5 1-3/8..... 1.375...... 34.925 2-7/8..... 2.875....... 73.025 5-1/4..... 5.25........ 133.35
11/32.... 0.34375 ... 8.731 -........ 1.3779.... 35 2-29/32... 2.9062..... 73.819 5-1/2..... 5.5.......... 139.7
-........ 0.3543.... 9 1-13/32... 1.406...... 35.719 -........ 2.9134..... 74 -........ 5.5118.... 140
23/64.... 0.35938 ... 9.128 -........ 1.4173.... 36 2-15/16... 2.9375..... 74.613 5-3/4..... 5.75........ 146.05
-........ 0.374....... 9.5 1-7/16.... 1.438...... 36.513 -........ 2.9527..... 75 -........ 5.9055.... 150
3/8...... 0.375....... 9.525 -........ 1.4567.... 37 2-31/32... 2.969....... 75.406 6....... 6............ 152.4
25/64.... 0.39062 ... 9.922 1-15/32... 1.469...... 37.306 -........ 2.9921..... 76 6-1/4..... 6.25........ 158.75
-........ 0.3937.... 10 -........ 1.4961.... 38 3........ 3............. 76.2 -........ 6.2992.... 160
13/32.... 0.40625 ... 10.319 1-1/2..... 1.5......... 38.1 3-1/32.... 3.0312..... 76.994 6-1/2..... 6.5.......... 165.1
-........ 0.413....... 10.5 1-17/32... 1.531...... 38.894 -........ 3.0315..... 77 -........ 6.6929.... 170
27/64.... 0.42188 ... 10.716 -........ 1.5354.... 39 3-1/16.... 3.062....... 77.788 6-3/4..... 6.75........ 171.45
-........ 0.4331.... 11 1-9/16.... 1.562...... 39.688 -........ 3.0709..... 78 7....... 7............ 177.8
7/16..... 0.4375..... 11.113 -........ 1.5748.... 40 3-3/32.... 3.094....... 75.581 -........ 7.0866.... 180
29/64.... 0.45312 ... 11.509 1-19/32... 1.594...... 40.481 -........ 3.1102..... 79 -........ 7.4803.... 190
15/32.... 0.46875 ... 11.906 -........ 1.6142.... 41 3-1/8..... 3.125....... 79.375 7-1/2..... 7.5.......... 190.5
-........ 0.4724.... 12 1-5/8..... 1.625...... 41.275 -........ 3.1495..... 80 -........ 7.874...... 200
31/64.... 0.48438 ... 12.303 -........ 1.6535.... 42 3-5/32.... 3.156....... 80.169 8....... 8............ 203.2
-........ 0.492....... 12.5 1-21/32... 1.6562.... 42.069 3-3/16.... 3.1875..... 80.963 -........ 8.2677.... 210
1/2...... 0.5.......... 12.7 1-11/16... 1.6875.... 42.863 -........ 3.189....... 81 8-1/2..... 8.5.......... 215.9
-........ 0.5118.... 13 -........ 1.6929.... 43 3-7/32.... 3.219....... 81.756 -........ 8.6614.... 220
33/64.... 0.51562 ... 13.097 1-23/32... 1.719...... 43.656 -........ 3.2283..... 82 9....... 9............ 228.6
17/32.... 0.53125 ... 13.494 -........ 1.7323.... 44 3-1/4..... 3.25......... 82.55 -........ 9.055...... 230
35/64.... 0.54688 ... 13.891 1-3/4..... 1.75........ 44.45 -........ 3.2677..... 83 -........ 9.4488.... 240
-........ 0.5512.... 14 -........ 1.7717.... 45 3-9/32.... 3.281....... 83.344 9-1/2..... 9.5.......... 241.3
9/16..... 0.5625..... 14.288 1-25/32... 1.781...... 45.244 -........ 3.3071..... 84 -........ 9.8425.... 250
-........ 0.571....... 14.5 -........ 1.811...... 46 3-5/16.... 3.312....... 84.137 10....... 10.......... 254.01
37/64.... 0.57812 ... 14.684 1-13/16... 1.8125.... 46.038 3-11/32... 3.344....... 84.931 -........ 10.2362 ... 260
-........ 0.5906.... 15 1-27/32... 1.844...... 46.831 -........ 3.3464..... 85 -........ 10.6299 ... 270
19/32.... 0.59375 ... 15.081 -........ 1.8504.... 47 3-3/8..... 3.375....... 85.725 11....... 11.......... 279.401
39/64.... 0.60938 ... 15.478 1-7/8..... 1.875...... 47.625 -........ 3.3858..... 86 -........ 11.0236 ... 280
5/8...... 0.625....... 15.875 -........ 1.8898.... 48 3-13/32... 3.406....... 86.519 -........ 11.4173 ... 290
-........ 0.6299.... 16 1-29/32... 1.9062.... 48.419 -........ 3.4252..... 87 -........ 11.811.... 300
41/64.... 0.64062 ... 16.272 -........ 1.9291.... 49 3-7/16.... 3.438....... 87.313 12....... 12.......... 304.801
-........ 0.6496..... 16.5 1-15/16... 1.9375.... 49.213 -........ 3.4646..... 88 13....... 13.......... 330.201
21/32.... 0.65625 ... 16.669 -........ 1.9685.... 50 3-15/32... 3.469....... 88.106 -........ 13.7795 ... 350
-........ 0.6693.... 17 1-31/32... 1.969...... 50.006 3-1/2..... 3.5.......... 88.9 14....... 14.......... 335.601
43/64.... 0.67188 ... 17.066 2........ 2............ 50.8 -........ 3.5039..... 89 15....... 15.......... 381.001
11/16.... 0.6875.... 17.463 -........ 2.0079.... 51 3-17/32... 3.531....... 89.694 -........ 15.748.... 400
45/64.... 0.70312 ... 17.859 2-1/32.... 2.0312.... 51.594 -........ 3.5433..... 90 16....... 16.......... 406.401
-........ 0.7087.... 18 -........ 2.0472.... 52 3-9/16.... 3.562....... 90.487 17....... 17.......... 431.801
23/32.... 0.71875 ... 18.256 2-1/16.... 2.062...... 52.388 -........ 3.5827..... 91 -........ 17.7165 ... 450
-........ 0.7283..... 18.5 -........ 2.0866.... 53 3-19/32... 3.594....... 91.281 18....... 18.......... 457.201
47/64.... 0.73438 ... 18.653 2-3/32.... 2.094...... 53.181 -........ 3.622....... 92 19....... 19.......... 482.601
-........ 0.748....... 19 2-1/8..... 2.125...... 53.975 3-5/8..... 3.625....... 92.075 -........ 19.685.... 500
3/4...... 0.75......... 19.05 -........ 2.126...... 54 3-21/32... 3.656....... 92.869 20....... 20.......... 508.001
49/64.... 0.76562 ... 19.447 2-5/32.... 2.156...... 54.769 -........ 3.6614..... 93
CYLINDER FORMULAS Thrust or force of any cylinder:
F = A x P
P = F ÷ A
A = F ÷ P
F = Force or thrust, in pounds
A = Piston area in square inches ( .7854 x D 2 )
P = PSI (Gauge pressure in pounds per square inch)
P = PSI (Gauge pressure in pounds per square inch)
HP = Pounds of push (or pull) x Distance (in feet) 550 x Time (in seconds)
HP = Horsepower Circle Formula:
A = D x D x .7854 A = D2 x 0.7854 A = ฯ x R2
A = ฯ x D2 ÷ 4
Circumference = 2 x R x ฯ Circumference = ฯ x D
D = √ A/.7854
A = Area in2 (Area sq. in.) R = Radius (1/2 of Diameter) D = Diameter, inches
ฯ = 3.14
Hydraulic Cylinder Piston travel speed:
V1 (in/min) = CIM ÷ A
V2 (ft/min) = Q x 19.25 ÷ A
V3 (ft/sec) = Q x 0.3208 ÷ A
Q (GPM) = 3.117 x V3 (ft/sec) x A Q (GPM) = CIM ÷ 231
V2 (ft/min) = Q x 19.25 ÷ A
V3 (ft/sec) = Q x 0.3208 ÷ A
Q (GPM) = 3.117 x V3 (ft/sec) x A Q (GPM) = CIM ÷ 231
V1 = Velocity or piston travel speed, inches per minute V2 = Velocity or piston travel speed, feet per minute V3 = Velocity or piston travel speed, feet per second CIM = Flow rate in cubic inches per minute (in3)
A = Effective area in square inches (in2) Q = GPM Gallons per minute
1 Gallon = 231 in3 (cubic inch)
Volume required to move a piston a given distance: V = A x L
V = Volume in cubic inches (in3)
A = Area in square inches (in2)
L = Length or stroke in inches
A = Area in square inches (in2)
L = Length or stroke in inches
Regenerative Cylinder
Extend Speed = Rod Volume ÷ Flow Rate in3 Area to Retract = Area to extend - Rod Area
Cylinder Ratio = Area to extend ÷ Area to retract
Ratio can be used to calculate pressure intensification and flow intensification.
Effective force of a cylinder working at an angle to direction of the load travel:
F = T x sin A
T = Total cylinder force, in pounds
F = Part of the force which is effective, in pounds
A = Least angle, in degrees, between cylinder axis and
A = Least angle, in degrees, between cylinder axis and
load direction.
Moment Arm Equations / Levers:
F x Df = W x Dw
F = W x Dw ÷ Df
W = F x Df ÷ Dw
W = F x Df ÷ Dw
Df = W ÷ F x Dw
Dw = F ÷ W x Df
Dw = F ÷ W x Df
F = Cylinder force
Df = Cylinder force distance to pivot W = Weight or Load Force
Dw = Weight or Load Force distance to pivot Toggle Force:
T = F x A ÷ 2 x B
T = Toggle Force F = Cylinder Force
A = Distance cylinder centerline to toggle B = Remaining stroke
Force for piercing or shearing sheet metal: F = P x T x PSI
F = Force required, in pounds
P = Perimeter around area to be sheared, in inches T = Sheet thickness in inches
PSI = Sheer strength rating of the material in pounds
per square inch.
per square inch.
P.O. Check Application:
Release PSI = Cap End Area x Max. W.P. - Load Rod End Area
Max. W.P. = Pressure Rating of Components
Ratio = Max Working PSI Release PSI
2 to 1 Ratio = 1 square inch (in2) at 1000 psi working pressure will open when a Release pressure of 500 psi is applied to a 2 square inches (in2) area.
value and metric conversions:
1 micron (ยต) = 0.00004 inch (in.) 1 kilowat (kw) = 1.34 horsepower (HP)
1 millimeter (mm) = 0.039 in. 1 horsepower (HP) = 33,000 foot-pounds (ft. lbs.)/minute
1 centimeter (cm) = 0.3937 in. = 550 foot-pounds (ft. lbs.)/second
1 decimeter (dm) = 0.3281 foot (ft.) = 42.4 BTU/minute
1 meter (m) = 39.37 in. = 746 watts
= 3.281 ft.
= 1.0937 yards (yds.) PRESSURE
1 bar = 14.5 pounds per square inch (psi) — above
AREA - SQUARE atmospheric
1 square millimeter = 0.00155 square inch (sq. in.) = 33.8 foot water column
1 square centimeter = 0.155 sq. in. = 42 foot oil column
1 square decimeter = 15.5 sq. in. = 29.92 inches of mercury (in. Hg)
= 0.10764 square feet (sq. ft.) 1 millimeter of mercury (mm Hg) = 0.03937 in. Hg —
below atmospheric
AREA - CUBIC 1 psi = 2.0416 in. Hg
1 cubic centimeter = 0.061 cubic inch (in.3 ) = 27.71 in. water
= 0.0002642 U.S. liquid gallons 1 foot column of water = 0.433 psi
1 cubic decimeter = 61.023 in.3 1 foot column of oil = 0.390 psi
1 milliliter (ml) = 0.0338176 ounce (oz.) 1 Newton-meter (Nm) = 8.88 pound-inches (lb.-in.)
1 deciliter (dl) = 3.381 oz.
1 liter (l) = 1.0569 quarts (qt.) VELOCITY
= 0.26417 gallon (gal.) 1 meter per second (m/s) = 3.28 feet/second (fps)
1 drop = 0.05 cubic centimeter (cc)
= 0.00169 oz.
= 0.00169 oz.
1 gram (g) = 0.0353 ounce (oz.)
1 kilogram (kg.) = 2.2046 pounds (lb.)
1 metric ton = 0.9842 U.S. ton
°Celsius = 5/9 (°Fahrenheit - 32)
1 liter/minute (lpm) = 0.2642 U.S. gallon/minute (gpm)
1 Newton (N) = 0.225 pound (lb.)
1 cycle/second (cps) = 1 Hertz (H)
1 centipoise (@ 0.9 specific gravity) = 5.35 SUS